SOMA Speaker/Lab Faculty Guidelines and Logistics

Speaker Reimbursement Policy

    1. A completed speaker reimbursement form with receipts.

    1. A completed ACH or wire transfer form.

    1. A completed W9 for us or fw9ben for international speakers.

Hotel reservations are to be made by speakers (see speaker and lab faculty reimbursement guidelines linked above.) If SOMA is picking up any portion of your hotel stay and you are staying at the Marriott or Sheraton, please complete this form so that we can apply the appropriate number of nights’ stay to our master billing account. If you are staying at any other hotel, you will need to submit the expense for reimbursement.

Meeting Registration

All speakers receive complimentary registration to the full conference.  We anticipate registration being open around February 7. We ask that every speaker register by April 15 so that we can expedite name badges and onsite registration quickly and efficiently for all 1600+ attendees. Register here and use coupon code 25speaker on the payment page. Please be aware that complimentary registration does not apply to any labs. Lab registration will require a fee.  If you are a program committee member or a Board Member in addition to speaker, you will receive your registration code via email.  

SOMA Meeting PPT Template/Disclosure Slide  

Financial Disclosure Survey for all Presenters

    • All Presenters, Conference Chairs, and Track Leaders are required to complete a brief financial disclosure form through our accreditor Amedco.
      • Your presentation must be free of any commercial endorsement or bias. Therefore, your abstract, slides and presentation cannot include any registered trade names, company names or logos. Generic names are allowed.
      • All presentations must begin with a disclosure slide. A 2025 Meeting disclosure slide can be found above. Amedco, our CME provider, asks all individual involved in the development and presentation of Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities to disclose all relationships with commercial interests. This information is disclosed to CME activity participants. Amedco has procedures to resolve apparent conflicts of interest. In addition, presenters are asked to disclose when any discussion of unapproved use of pharmaceuticals and devices is being discussed. 

Slide/Presentation information

    • All speakers must create their slides using Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.

    • Oral Presenters (minus Labs): Slides must be uploaded in Cadmium no later than April 25. Please include your name and the date of your presentation in the name of the file.  Lead/Primary presenters should collect all presentations, within their talk, and combine them into one presentation before uploading.

    • Lab presenters: If you have a presentation you would like to have preloaded onto the room computer, please following the naming convention noted above and upload your presentation in Cadmium no later than April 25.

    • Thank you for following the above instructions. Please make every effort to upload the final version of your presentation by the deadline. This will help make sure your presentation is preloaded on the computer in the correct room and ensure a smooth and efficient presentation schedule for all presenters. We strongly recommend that you bring a back-up of your presentation on a thumb drive.

Poster Presenter Information

Poster Session Day/Time: Tuesday, May 6, 6:30-7:30 pm.

The poster session will be held in the exhibit hall. Please hang up your poster between 4:30 and 5:30 pm on May 5 next to the poster # as indicated in the online schedule. Your poster should be no larger than 4 ft x 4 ft. Two posters per board per side will be displayed on each board. Please do not hang your poster in the middle of the board.  Push pins will be provided to hang your poster.  Poster presenters are not required to be available by their poster to receive questions from attendees during this hour however it is encouraged. The posters will be judged by the members of the research committee and a ” Best Poster” will be chosen and awarded on Friday, May 9, during the closing general session. The poster awarded “best poster” will be provided a certificate and a complimentary registration for SOMA 2026. SOMA strongly encourages posters to remain up Tuesday – Thursday. Poster tear down time is no later than 3:30 pm on May 8.  

Dress Code

Appropriate dress for the Scientific Assembly is business casual for civilians and uniform of the day.

    • ACU/ABU and Duty Uniform may be worn during the entire SOMA (or uniform as command-directed). 

    • Military presenters should wear Class A uniforms for their presentations. Civilians should wear business professional attire. 

    • Jeans, T-shirts, or athletic attire are not permitted in the assembly venue

Questions? Please contact Michael Thompson at [email protected]

The SOMA office will be closed for the holidays:

Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.