Medical Scholarship Fund

About the COL Jimmie D. Coy Memorial Medical Scholarship Fund

The COL Jimmie D. Coy Memorial Medical Education Scholarship fund was established to recognize the significant contributions enlisted SOF Medics have made to our country and to provide them with limited assistance to offset the costs of higher education.

This financial assistance serves as a critical bridge that allows some of our country’s most capable field medical personnel to move vertically in their chosen area of expertise, therefore enhancing their ability to positively impact many more lives on a much broader scale, both in government and non-government health sectors.

While not intended to act as a loan, to fund the full educational costs, or for use by family members and/or dependents, it does provide financial assistance to the member and allows for renewal for each subsequent year of an awardee’s current program. Additionally, SOMA extends complimentary membership for the duration of the scholarship .

Why donate to the COL Jimmie D. Coy Memorial Medical Scholarship Fund?

At no other time has our country been in such dire need of healthcare leaders with the psychological attributes of the SOF medical community.

It is our responsibility to see to it that these operational commitments and exceptional mindsets of the speical operations medical personnel make it to the highest levels of decision making.

You can play a crucial role. Donate today.

Online donations to the Medical Scholarship fund are accepted via the online store here.

The Difficult Anytime.
The Only Easy Day was Yesterday.
Don’t Quit.
Lead the Way.
Free the Oppressed.
That Others May Live.

SOMA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID# 58-2108832) and your donation​​
is tax deductible as a charit​able contribution.​

The SOMA office will be closed for the holidays:

Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.