Founded in 1987, the Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA) is the only medical association in the world that brings together the unique blend of pre-hospital, tactical, wilderness, austere, disaster and deployed medicine. Our primary goal is to advance the art and science of special operations medical care through the education and professional development of special operations medical providers. SOMA provides a forum for military and civilian medical providers, academia and industry from around the world to meet and exchange ideas in our Scientific Assembly, through our official publication, the Journal of Special Operations Medicine (JSOM), and our Mini-SOMA Conferences. SOMA advances the science, technology and skills of unconventional medicine.
Past Presidents

COL (Ret) Russ S. Kotwal, MD, MPH 2020-2022
MSG (Ret) HR Montgomery 2018-2020
Master Chief (Ret) Steven Viola 2015-2017
LTC Robert Mabry, MD 2013-2015
COL Robert Harrington, DMD, MPH 2010- 2012
COL Robert Saum, (Ret) USA 2007-2009
COL Alan Moloff, (Ret) DO, USA 2004-2006
COL Steven J. Yevich, MD USA 2002-2003
COL Robert Leitch, (Ret) RN, British Army 1999-2001
COL Craig Llewellyn, (Ret) MD, USA 1996-1998
COL Jim Coy, (Ret) DO, USAR, 1994-1995 (President Emeritus)
Founding Members
Bob Clayton, (Ret) USA, Special Forces
LTC, Dale Hamilton, (Ret) Special Forces Reserves
LTC David J. Leppert