Engage with SOMA Committees

SOMA Committees offer an opportunity to gain and contribute hands on experience that directly contributes to the improvement of the organization. Participating in one of the below committees is an excellent way to engage with other SOF medical practitioners and share your skillset and expertise.

Committee Charges

Click here to submit your information to volunteer for a committee today.

​Communications Committee​

The Communications Committee works with staff to make sure there is relevent and up to date content on the SOMA website. Also, creating and sending communications through our social media platforms during the Scientific Assembly, membership renewals and any ongoing programs that SOMA has active.

Education and Training​ Committee

The Education Committee is responsible for curating and distributing educational content beyond the annual Scientific Assembly via our LMS. Also, for managing the LMS with staff and keeping the LMS site up to date.

​Historical Committee

The Historical Committee collects and maintains SOMA’s history for future generations dedicated to serving our country.

International Committee

The International Committee serves as a conduit to exchange information between U.S. and international medics to advance the practice of SOF and tactical medicine.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for assisting the association with the recruitment and retention of members and approving new membership applications. This committee also reviews and sets membership rates along with the board.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is a standing committee of the organization established by SOMA’s bylaws. The Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the election of Board of Directors each year, as specified in Article V., Section 1, and assist with the leadership development activities of the Association.


The Fellowship Committee is charged with developing and launching a Special Operations ‎Medicine Fellowship program. ‎

Scholarship and Awards​/Second Half Initiative Committee

The SOMA Scholarship Fund was established to recognize the significant contributions enlisted SOF Medics have made to our country and to provide them with limited assistance to offset the costs of higher education. The Scholarship Committee reviews applications once a year for the Scholarship Fund Program and also the Medic of the Year applications. The applications are reviewed in the first quarter of the year before the Scientific Assembly.

The Second Half Initiative directs medic members to resources that will allow them to start a new career in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, etc. The Second Half Initiative helps former SOF medics and Tactical EMTs transition into new careers.

SOMSA Program Committee​

The SOMSA Program Committee works with the staff to develop the annual Scientific Assembly program and labs, to secure presenters and to assist with delivery of the program during the event.
Sub-groups that fall under the program committee are:

  • Labs
  • Research Track
  • International Track
  • TEMS Track
  • MilSOF Track
  • ARSC Track
  • Human Performance Track
  • Research Committee

The Research Committee directs SOMA’s efforts toward developing and supporting research in the field of SOF and tactical medicine. The committee is responsible for gathering and reviewing research abstracts submitted for presentation at the annual scientific assembly.

Revised 06/18/2024

The SOMA office will be closed for the holidays:

Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.