Contact Us

Special Operations Medical Association
111 West Jackson Blvd., Ste. 1412
Chicago, IL  60604

(913) 222-8659
Fax: (913) 222-8606
[email protected]

Sheila O’Neal, Executive Director
[email protected]

Sheila reports to the Board of Directors and is responsible for managing new initiatives, as well as long-term financial and strategic planning. She oversees the operations of the headquarters and professional staff and ensures that the organization maintains sound financial principles and makes progress in achieving its goals.

Michael Thompson, Associate Executive Director
[email protected]
Michael is the primary contact for questions about the SOMA Scientific Assembly. He works with various committees including the Program Committee and Awards.

Sean Hewitt, Director of Meetings 
[email protected]

Sean works with SOMA leaders to plan and manage the Scientific Assembly. He is responsible for all meeting logistics, including management of vendors and contractors. 

Candice Miller, Account Executive
[email protected]
Candice works with the committee chairs and manages the SOMA LMS, SOMed.

Autumn Menefee, Account Coordinator
[email protected]
Autumn coordinates logistics pertaining to Scientific Assembly registration and membership.

Exhibits and Sponsorships Coordinator
Manages all exhibit and sponsorship sales for the Scientific Assembly.

The SOMA office will be closed for the holidays:

Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.