SOMA 2025

Mark your calendars to join us May 5-9, 2025, Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, North Carolina USA, for the SOMA 2025 Scientific Assembly – Building Interoperability on Solid Fundamentals!

SOMA is the only medical association in the world that brings together the unique blend of prehospital, tactical, wilderness, austere, disaster, and deployed medicine. SOMA 2025 provides the opportunity for military and civilian medical providers, academia, and industry partners from around the world to meet and exchange ideas. It is the largest gathering of SOF medical providers in the world that includes U.S. military, foreign military, domestic tactical law enforcement, and tactical EMS providers.

Call for Labs, Presentations and Research Abstracts, Labs, Presentations now open.

We are extending our deadline!  Deadline for all submissions is now – December 6, 2024, at 2355.  Please do not delay submitting. This deadline will not be extended further. 

The SOMA Program Committee is seeking quality submissions for the 2025 Scientific Assembly – Building Interoperability on Solid Fundamentals. Our future SOF must be prepared for strategic deterrence, irregular warfare, core activities and Large-Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) by concentrating on the basics while working with our Joint Forces and partners. Special Operations medical personnel must flex to the mission that is presented as we are seeing a world with multiple concurrent and consecutive challenges such as extreme weather conditions, diverse conflicts, and complex threats.  Focusing on building on the fundamentals of training globally, medical personnel will need to be prepared to stage and execute interagency planning.  We are seeking presentations that focus on the fundamentals of medical interoperability for the 2025 Scientific Assembly.  

Presentations will be grouped by the following tracks: Austere Resuscitative Surgical Care, Brain Health, Human Performance and Resiliency, International, Military Special Operations Forces, Tactical Emergency Medical Services, and Medical Support of Irregular Warfare.
(For more information on track descriptions.)

Submission Format

Submissions are broken down into four main categories:  Labs, Podium Track presentations, Podium Medic Clinical Vignettes and Research. 

Labs are in-depth, hands-on education and training programs that enhance the skills and knowledge of SOF medics and those working in austere environments.  Lab options are 2-hour, 4-hour and 8-hour. Two- and four-hour labs will be expected to repeat the lab at least once to ensure the maximum training opportunities.

Research – SOMA is looking for three different categories of research: Original Research, Process/Quality Improvement, and Case Reports/Vignette posters.

Podium Presentations are 20 or 30 minutes and both Track and Medical Clinical Vignettes should select the track that best applies.

  •  Faculty/Presenter Requirements: Presenters must be available to present at the time and date assigned by the Program Committee. If your submission is accepted for presentation, ALL presenting faculty/presenters are required to attend the live assembly (virtual attendance is not available.) Presenters/lab faculty receive complimentary registration to the Scientific Assembly.  If faculty/presenters would like to attend a lab there are additional fees. 
  • Proofreading and Publication: Proofreading is the responsibility of the submitting author. Sections of accepted labs and educational proposals will be published on the SOMA Mobile app and on the 2025 Assembly website as submitted.
  • Submission components to gather: Short summary/description, presenter(s) CV to upload, Learning Objectives, Quiz Questions and Content References
  • Program Selection: The Program Committee strives to present a balanced program that meets the needs of our diverse assembly attendees from throughout the world. Acceptance of labs, podium presentations, and medic clinical vignettes is at the sole discretion of the committee. 

 Key Submission proposal scoring/selection criteria include:

  •  Does the lab or presentation promote the development of new best practices and/or technologies
  • Is the topic current and relevant for SOMA attendees?
  • Are there clear, appropriately scoped, and achievable learning objectives?
  • Does the faculty/speaker have the background/expertise/experience to deliver the content?
  • Does this lab o presentation increase the knowledge, skills of SOF and non-military prehospital providers?
  • Anticipated roles of faculty/presenters are clearly defined.
  • Is the topic/speaker free of commercial bias?

For questions contact Michael Thompson, Associate Executive Director at [email protected].

It’s Not Too Late to Get Your SOMA Gear

The SOMA store has hundreds of items available for purchase, from t-shirts and tumblers to bag, gift sets and more.